A Complete Guide:

Helix Piercings

Helix Piercings at Monica Vinader

Helix piercings are a popular choice for those wanting to curate an enviable ear stack. The contemporary positioning of the helix allows for a stunning variety of earrings. Monica Vinader's guide to this piercing tells you everything you need to know before booking your appointment.

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Where is a Helix Piercing Located?

A helix piercing is the name given to any piercing located in the upper cartilage area of the ear. For this reason they are referred to as cartilage piercings. This type of piercing is very popular for when people are looking to curate an ear stack that migrates from the lobe around the full edge of the ear.

Book a Helix Piercing with Monica Vinader

Our boutiques offer ear piercing appointments where you can have up to 3 piercings in your 20 minute experience. You can book your helix piercing online, choosing the location that's best for you. You'll be able to pick gold or silver stacking earrings for your new piercing with the help of our expert piercers and knowledgeable sales associates.

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The Classic Helix Piercing:

The classic helix piercing sits on the upper part of the cartilage in the outer ear. This location is excellent for huggie earrings as they can cup the outer edge of the ear.

Piercing Healing Times

Cartilage heals differently to soft tissue and so helix piercings can take anywhere from 6 - 12 months to heal. During this time you should try not to move your jewellery around too much as this may cause cartilage bumps. Properly caring for your new piercing during this time is essential for healthy healing.

Aftercare & Cleaning Piercings

You should use an antibacterial cleansing solution on your ear twice a day, until the helix has healed. Avoid using beauty products or soap on the piercing as that can slow healing time. You may experience some secreting of fluid, but don't worry - this is perfectly normal. Simply use your saline solution and a cotton bud to clean it up.

Everything you want to know about your new piercing...

When it comes to cartilage piercings, the helix is considered the least painful as the cartilage is thinner in this area. However, it is more painful than the usual pinch felt in lobe piercings. On average helix piercings are around 4/10 on the pain scale, but this should be swift. Everyone's pain tolerance is different so you may experience less or more pain than friends who have also had earrings in this area.
A helix piercing is rarely done as a first piercing. Due to helixes being located in the cartilage they can hurt more than lobe piercings and take a longer time to heal. The first location most people opt for is a lower lobe piercing due to quicker healing times and its classic location. However, there is nothing stopping you if this is the first one you've got your eye on.
Cartilage heals differently to soft tissue and so helix piercings can take anywhere from 6 - 12 months to heal. During this time you should try not to move your jewellery around too much as this may cause cartilage bumps. Properly caring for your new piercing during this time is essential for healthy healing.
